Barnmouse Blitherings

Things on the Road Thursday: Easy Peasy
February 7, 2008, 4:05 pm
Filed under: Weekly-ish Things, whineyness

Thank goodness it’s Thursday.  I’m sicker than a dog ever thought about being over here.  And other than having to write about how absolutely awful I feel and the nausea and the cramps and the…well…never mind.

So this week’s Things on the Road Thursday is your favorite part of your car.  “My car?” I hear you ask.  “I thought this was Things on the ROAD.” I hear you ask again.  Well what’s on the road?  Your car, of course!

My very favorite part of my Jeep Liberty is:


My door handle. Yes.  I know.  I know!  It’s a silly thing to love so much.  But it’s great!  And even better, every time I drive my mom around she can’t find the door handle to get out.  It’s hilarious. 

I’ve seen pictures of the interior on the new Liberties (OMG SO MUCH AWESUM!) and they have done away with my precious door handles.  The bastards.

So what’s your favorite part of your car?  Did you play?

And also, since I am sick and whiney and there’s no one else here to complain to…

My kitty slippers, let me show you them:


Kitty slippers say “Please, make her stop talking to us!”

Craft-ay Monday!
February 4, 2008, 10:51 pm
Filed under: Weekly-ish Things

I figured I’d start doing another “weekly” (ish) thing on here, since I’m enjoying the prospects of Things on the Road Thursday!

Every Monday (or more likely, when I think about it) I’ll post a picture of a current “crafty” project that I’m working on.  There may not be much difference from the previous week, but I think this might light a fire under me, figuratively speaking of course, to “get the lead out” and work a little harder on the projects that I’m doing so they won’t just sit around gathering dust, like they’ve been doing.  (how’s that for a run on sentence?)

If you’ll recall, I’ve been working on a baby blanket for a friend of mine who is having a baby. (duh)  And I FINISHED IT!  TONIGHT!  YAY!  Finally.  I’ve been working on this thing for months now.  I was actually getting worried that I wouldn’t have this done in time for the kids high school graduation!  LOL

I think it may have even been one of my (multiple) New Year’s Resolutions!  Which means YAY AGAIN!  I completed another resolution!!!

So without further ado….


I tried to show the border (my very first!) by folding back one of the corners.

I wanted a little bit darker pink, but decided to go with this since it was the softest and also matched the yarn I used to make the actual blanket portion.

So there you have it!  My very first “Craft-ay Monday”!  (you gotta pronounce it so that it rhymes.  Hee.)

Oh, and feel free to play along!  I know some of y’all are very Craft-ay!  Hee hee (that just tickles me)

Things on the Road Thursday! Mission:Participation!
January 31, 2008, 5:29 pm
Filed under: Weekly-ish Things

Hi there!  It’s been awhile for my poor little Things on the Road Thursday.  But now that I’m trying to blog every day in 2008, I’m thinking it’s going to make a comeback!  (I’m running out of things to write about….quickly)

*side note*  I totally just sat on my cat.  Oops.  Sorry Neezy!

Anyway.  For those of you not familiar with my little weekly  monthly  semi-annually thing, it’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like.  When I see something interesting or funny or just plain weird on the road or side of the road, I take a picture of it and post it here on Thursdays.

I’ve been thinking about it and I think that it would be a great day to meet some new people and find some great new blogs and just generally have fun!  And for others also doing Blog 365, it’s a post for Thursdays!

So I’m hoping for some participation!  Every Thursday, starting today, I’ll post my picture (or pictures!) from the previous week’s subject (except this week, because HELLO this is the first week!) and then tell y’all what next week’s subject will be.  I’m aiming to making the “subjects” as broad as possible to give y’all your creative licenses, because who wants to go look at the same picture on a bunch of different blogs?!

Hopefully, I’ll get some participation on this, as I think it will be pretty darn fun!  If you play, just don’t forget to leave a comment with a link to your blog where you played so others who played can visit!

For this week’s Things on the Road Thursday, I’m digging waaaay back to my very first TRT!  It’s still my very favorite and possibly the strangest thing I’ve seen around here.


Is it just me or is this the creepiest Santa you’ve ever seen?  I took the picture parked directly in front of it and yet…the eyes….they intrigue me.  Hee.  I mean really.  What. The. Hell.  Who made this?!  And who BOUGHT IT?!  This was supposed to entice people into buying a Christmas tree.  Now there are tons of other Christmas tree lots all around here.  In all honesty, there’s no way I’m going to this lot to buy a Christmas tree.  Something tells me I’d probably never be heard from again.  Oh, and they left it up WELL into January.  Like, several weeks.  Again, I say “creepy”.

Okay!  So!  Next week!  The very first assignment for the participation version of Things on the Road Thursday!!!  I’m going to make this very easy since it’s the first one.  But really, they’re not going to get too in-depth or anything.

SUBJECT #1:  TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR FAVORITE PART OF YOUR CAR/TRUCK/SUV/WHATEVER.   It can be anything.  If your favorite part of your car is your sun visor, go for it!  Tires, seats, CD player, undercarriage!  Whatever tickles your fancy!  I already know what my favorite part of my Jeep is and it is ODD.  And remember, it’s “due” next Thursday!  (February 7th)

So c’mon!  Join the fun!!!

Bloggers A-Z
January 29, 2008, 10:43 am
Filed under: Weekly-ish Things

I’ve been tagged!  Yay!

Rule #1: Copy all the links below and replace the link that starts with the same letter as your blog. If your domain name, or title of your blog, starts with an “A,” you’d replace the link under that letter and put the replaced link at the bottom. Link to the person that tagged you so they get more hits as well!


Replaced link:
Tagged by:

Rule #2: “tag” 5 people. (I’m only tagging 4)

I’m really not that angry
Onward Hoe!
Shell’s Thoughts

Note To Self
January 28, 2008, 11:09 pm
Filed under: Weekly-ish Things

Dammit, stop using the #4 treadmill.  It’s wobbly.

Other than that revelation, the day has been pretty non-eventful.

Looks like a good time to check in on New Year’s Resolutions!

Mine have been going pretty well.  I’m up to jogging for 15 minutes on the treadmill at 4.3 mph.  Yesterday, I did 5 minutes at 4.4, but then had to turn it back down to 4.3 for the remaining 10 minutes.

(I have no idea why, but for some reason tonight, every time I try to type “minutes” I type “mintues”.  That’s very annoying considering my level of spelling-OCD.  If something is underlined with the little red squiggle, then I have to go back and try and figure out how I spelled it wrong.  Grr.)

Back to the resolutions.  I’ve really been slacking off on my back and neck exercises and stretches.  Rat keeps asking if I’ve done them, and I finally had to fib (hee hee…I said “fib”) and say that yes, I did them so he wouldn’t guilt me!

Other resolutions….I haven’t tried any new dog treats.  Bleh.  I honestly haven’t felt like it.  I’ve had this cold on and off and it’s really taken a toll on my mood.  When I don’t have the energy to do anything other than sit down, it’s kind of hard to work myself up to doing even MORE baking than I have been doing.

I haven’t worked on the baby blanket ONCE since writing that it was one of my resolutions.  SLACKER!!!  Yeah.  I know.  *sigh*  And I just found out that the baby shower is going to be on Feb 23rd.  I’m not even halfway done with it.  *bigger sigh*  And now that I know how to make Granny squares, that’s all I want to do!  AH!  Someone send me magic fingers that crochet really fast!  They make those, right?

On the other hand, I HAVE blogged every day (the my computer has allowed!) in 2008!  Yay me!

So how are y’all doing with your resolutions?